The shell-tools module contains command line tools for various admin tasks.


Creates a new admin user with the specified name, password and email. Used to create the first user of the site.


option usage
-u Username for connecting to CCC DB.
-p Password for connecting to CCC DB.
-c Connection string for the DB.
-nu Username of the user to create.
-np Password of the user to create.
-ne Email of the user to create.

java -cp shell-tools-7.1.7-jar-with-dependencies.jar ccc.cli.Users -c jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cc7 -ne -np admin -nu admin -p cc7 -u cc7


Sets up default folder structure for the site.


option usage
-u Username for connecting to CC.
-p Password for connecting to CC.
-a The JNDI application name. Corresponds to the name of the ear file (cc7.ear). Normally this value is 'cc7'.
-jn optional JNDI provider IP address, defaults to localhost

java -cp shell-tools-7.1.7-jar-with-dependencies.jar ccc.cli.Create -a cc7 -p admin -u admin -jn


Updates file store and lucene path settings.


option usage
-u Username for connecting to CC DB.
-p Password for connecting to CC DB.
-c Connection string for the DB.
-path Path for the file store and lucene index directories.

java -cp shell-tools-7.1.7-jar-with-dependencies.jar ccc.cli.Settings -c jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cc7 -p admin -u admin -path /var/cc7/

Controls Lucene search indexing scheduler.


option usage
-u Username for connecting to CC.
-p Password for connecting to CC.
-b Base URL for the application.
-c Action.

Possible actions:

  • start - Start the search indexing scheduler
  • stop - Stop the search indexing scheduler
  • running - Status of the search indexing scheduler

java -cp shell-tools-7.1.7-jar-with-dependencies.jar ccc.cli.Search -b http://localhost/cc7 -p admin -u admin -c start


Controls action scheduler.


option usage
-u Username for connecting to CC.
-p Password for connecting to CC.
-b Base URL for the application.
-c Action.

Possible actions:

  • start - Start the action scheduler
  • stop - Stop the action scheduler
  • running - Status of the action scheduler

java -cp shell-tools-7.1.7-jar-with-dependencies.jar ccc.cli.Scheduling -b http://localhost/cc7 -p admin -u admin -c start


Build the CCC database schema.


option usage
-u Username for connecting to the DB schema.
-p Password for connecting to the DB schema.
-c Connection string for the DB.
-v Version of the database to build. Set the version to '1'.
-d Drop existing tables first.

java -cp shell-tools-7.1.7-jar-with-dependencies.jar ccc.cli.Schema -c jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cc7 -p admin -u admin -v 1