Uses of Class

Packages that use PagedCollection
ccc.plugins.s11n.json EJB3 implementation of the CCC API. 

Uses of PagedCollection in ccc.api.core

Methods in ccc.api.core that return PagedCollection
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> Folders.getAccessibleChildren(java.util.UUID folderId)
          List all of the children of the specified folder which are accessible to current user.
 PagedCollection<File> Files.getPagedImages(java.util.UUID folderId, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List all images of the given folder id.
 PagedCollection<Revision> Resources.history(java.util.UUID resourceId)
          Retrieve the history of a resource.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> Pages.list(PageCriteria criteria, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List existing pages.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> Resources.list(ResourceCriteria criteria, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List existing resources.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> Resources.list(java.util.UUID parent, java.lang.String tag, java.lang.Long before, java.lang.Long after, java.lang.String mainMenu, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String locked, java.lang.String published, java.lang.String sort, SortOrder order, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List existing resources.
 PagedCollection<ActionSummary> Actions.listCompletedActions(java.lang.String sort, SortOrder sortOrder, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List all CCC actions that have been executed.
 PagedCollection<ActionSummary> Actions.listPendingActions(java.lang.String sort, SortOrder sortOrder, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List all CCC actions that haven't yet been executed.
 PagedCollection<Template> Templates.query(int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List all the templates currently available in CCC.
 PagedCollection<Group> Groups.query(java.lang.String name, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List available groups.
 PagedCollection<User> Users.query(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String email, java.lang.String groups, java.lang.String metadataKey, java.lang.String metadataValue, java.lang.String sort, SortOrder order, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          Query users.
 PagedCollection<Comment> Comments.query(java.util.UUID resourceId, CommentStatus status, java.lang.String sort, SortOrder sortOrder, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List existing comments.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> Resources.resourceForMetadataKey(java.lang.String key)
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> Folders.roots()
          List the root folders available.

Uses of PagedCollection in ccc.api.jaxrs

Methods in ccc.api.jaxrs that return PagedCollection
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> FoldersImpl.getAccessibleChildren(java.util.UUID folderId)
          List all of the children of the specified folder which are accessible to current user.
 PagedCollection<File> FilesImpl.getPagedImages(java.util.UUID folderId, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List all images of the given folder id.
 PagedCollection<Revision> ResourcesImpl.history(java.util.UUID resourceId)
          Retrieve the history of a resource.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> PagesImpl.list(PageCriteria criteria, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List existing pages.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> ResourcesImpl.list(ResourceCriteria criteria, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List existing resources.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> ResourcesImpl.list(java.util.UUID parent, java.lang.String tag, java.lang.Long before, java.lang.Long after, java.lang.String mainMenu, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String locked, java.lang.String published, java.lang.String sort, SortOrder order, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List existing resources.
 PagedCollection<ActionSummary> ActionsImpl.listCompletedActions(java.lang.String sort, SortOrder sortOrder, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List all CCC actions that have been executed.
 PagedCollection<ActionSummary> ActionsImpl.listPendingActions(java.lang.String sort, SortOrder sortOrder, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List all CCC actions that haven't yet been executed.
 PagedCollection<Template> TemplatesImpl.query(int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List all the templates currently available in CCC.
 PagedCollection<Group> GroupsImpl.query(java.lang.String name, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List available groups.
 PagedCollection<User> UsersImpl.query(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String email, java.lang.String groups, java.lang.String metadataKey, java.lang.String metadataValue, java.lang.String sort, SortOrder order, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          Query users.
 PagedCollection<Comment> CommentsImpl.query(java.util.UUID resourceId, CommentStatus status, java.lang.String sort, SortOrder sortOrder, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List existing comments.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> ResourcesImpl.resourceForMetadataKey(java.lang.String key)
          Look up the resources for a specified metadata key.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> FoldersImpl.roots()
          List the root folders available.

Uses of PagedCollection in ccc.client.core

Fields in ccc.client.core declared as PagedCollection
static PagedCollection<ActionSummary> InternalServices.ACTIONS
static PagedCollection<Comment> InternalServices.COMMENTS
static PagedCollection<Group> InternalServices.GROUPS
static PagedCollection<User> InternalServices.USERS

Methods in ccc.client.core that return PagedCollection
 PagedCollection<ActionSummary> Globals.actions()
          TODO: Add a description for this method.
 PagedCollection<Comment> Globals.comments()
          TODO: Add a description for this method.
 PagedCollection<Group> Globals.groups()
          TODO: Add a description for this method.
 PagedCollection<User> Globals.users()
          TODO: Add a description for this method.

Uses of PagedCollection in ccc.client.gwt.core

Methods in ccc.client.gwt.core that return PagedCollection
 PagedCollection<ActionSummary> GlobalsImpl.actions()
          TODO: Add a description for this method.
 PagedCollection<Comment> GlobalsImpl.comments()
          TODO: Add a description for this method.
 PagedCollection<Group> GlobalsImpl.groups()
          TODO: Add a description for this method.
 PagedCollection<User> GlobalsImpl.users()
          TODO: Add a description for this method.

Methods in ccc.client.gwt.core with parameters of type PagedCollection
static void GlobalsImpl.actions(PagedCollection<ActionSummary> actions)
          Set the collection for managing actions.
static void GlobalsImpl.comments(PagedCollection<Comment> comments)
          Set the collection for managing comments.
static void GlobalsImpl.groups(PagedCollection<Group> groups)
          Set the collection for managing groups.
static void GlobalsImpl.users(PagedCollection<User> users)
          Set the collection for managing users.

Uses of PagedCollection in ccc.client.gwt.remoting

Methods in ccc.client.gwt.remoting with parameters of type PagedCollection
protected abstract  void ListPendingActionsAction.execute(PagedCollection<ActionSummary> actions)
          Handle the result of a successful call.
protected abstract  void ListComments.execute(PagedCollection<Comment> comments)
          Handle the result of a successful call.
protected abstract  void ListGroups.execute(PagedCollection<Group> groups)
          Handle the result of a successful call.
protected abstract  void ListUsersAction.execute(PagedCollection<User> users)
          Handle the result of a successful call.

Uses of PagedCollection in ccc.plugins.s11n.json

Methods in ccc.plugins.s11n.json that return PagedCollection
 PagedCollection<T> json)
          Deserialize from a representation.
<T> PagedCollection<T> json, java.lang.Class<T> elementClass)

Methods in ccc.plugins.s11n.json with parameters of type PagedCollection
 Json PagedCollectionSerializer.write(Json json, PagedCollection<T> instance)
          Serialize to representation.

Uses of PagedCollection in

Methods in that return PagedCollection
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> FoldersEJB.getAccessibleChildren(java.util.UUID folderId)
          List all of the children of the specified folder which are accessible to current user.
 PagedCollection<File> FilesEJB.getPagedImages(java.util.UUID folderId, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List all images of the given folder id.
 PagedCollection<Revision> ResourcesEJB.history(java.util.UUID resourceId)
          Retrieve the history of a resource.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> PagesEJB.list(PageCriteria criteria, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List existing pages.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> ResourcesEJB.list(ResourceCriteria criteria, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List existing resources.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> ResourcesEJB.list(java.util.UUID parent, java.lang.String tag, java.lang.Long before, java.lang.Long after, java.lang.String mainMenu, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String locked, java.lang.String published, java.lang.String sort, SortOrder order, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List existing resources.
 PagedCollection<ActionSummary> ActionsEJB.listCompletedActions(java.lang.String sort, SortOrder sortOrder, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List all CCC actions that have been executed.
 PagedCollection<ActionSummary> ActionsEJB.listPendingActions(java.lang.String sort, SortOrder sortOrder, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List all CCC actions that haven't yet been executed.
 PagedCollection<Template> TemplatesEJB.query(int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List all the templates currently available in CCC.
 PagedCollection<Group> GroupsEJB.query(java.lang.String name, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List available groups.
 PagedCollection<User> UsersEJB.query(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String email, java.lang.String groups, java.lang.String metadataKey, java.lang.String metadataValue, java.lang.String sort, SortOrder order, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          Query users.
 PagedCollection<Comment> CommentsEJB.query(java.util.UUID resourceId, CommentStatus status, java.lang.String sort, SortOrder sortOrder, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List existing comments.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> ResourcesEJB.resourceForMetadataKey(java.lang.String key)
          Look up the resources for a specified metadata key.
 PagedCollection<ResourceSummary> FoldersEJB.roots()
          List the root folders available.

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