Package ccc.client.gwt.remoting

Class Summary
ApplyWorkingCopyAction Applies working copy.
CancelActionAction Cancels a CCC action.
CancelActionAction.ActionCancelledCallback Callback handler for applying a working copy.
ClearWorkingCopyAction Publish a resource.
ComputeTemplateAction TODO: Add a description for this type.
CreateTemplateAction Create a template.
CreateWorkingCopyFromHistoricalVersionAction Publish a resource.
DeleteResourceAction Publish a resource.
DrawMainWindowAction TODO: Add a description for this type.
GetAbsolutePathAction Retrieves the absolute path for a resource.
GetChildrenAction Remote action for children resource fetching.
GetCurrentUserAction TODO: Add a description for this type.
GetImagesPagedAction Get a list of all images from the CCC server.
GetPropertyAction Abstract action for property loading.
GetResourcesPagedAction Get paged child resources for specified folder.
GetRootsAction Action for retrieving the root.
GetTemplatesAction Get a list of templates from the server.
GetUserAction Fetch a user.
IncludeInMainMenuAction Include a resource in the main menu.
IsLoggedInAction TODO: Add a description for this type.
ListComments Retrieve a list of comments from the server.
ListCompletedActionsAction Display the list of completed actions.
ListGroups Retrieve a list of groups from the server.
ListPendingActionsAction Display the list of pending actions.
ListUsersAction List available users.
LockAction Lock a resource.
LoginAction Remote action for user login.
LogoutAction Log current user out.
MoveResourceAction TODO: Add a description for this type.
OpenEditCacheAction Edit resource's cache setting.
OpenEditTextFileAction Action for text file edit dialog opening.
OpenEditUserDialogAction Action to open the user editing dialog.
OpenTemplateRevisionAction Action to open specific revision of a template.
OpenUpdateAliasAction TODO: Add a description for this type.
OpenUpdateMetadataAction Update resource's metadata.
OpenUpdateResourceAclAction Action to launch the 'update resource acl' dialog.
OpenUpdateTemplateAction TODO: Add a description for this type.
PageDeltaAction Retrieve a template's delta.
PublishAction Publish a resource.
RemoveFromMainMenuAction Remove a resource from the main menu.
TemplateNameExistsAction TODO: Add a description for this type.
UniqueUsernameAction TODO: Add a description for this type.
UnlockAction Unlock a resource.
UnpublishAction Unpublish a resource.
UpdateAliasAction Update an alias.
UpdateCacheDurationAction Remote action for cache duration updating.
UpdateCurrentUserAction Dialog for updating current user's details.
UpdateFolderAction Remote action for folder updating.
UpdateMetadataAction Remote action for metadata updating.
UpdatePageAction Remote action for page updating.
UpdateResourceAclAction Remote action for resource's ACL updating.
UpdateTemplateAction Remote action for template updating.
UpdateUserAction Remote action for user updating.
UpdateUserPasswordAction Updates a user's password..
UpdateWorkingCopyAction Remote action for working copy updating.
ValidateFieldAction Remote action for field validation.
ViewHistoryAction View resource's history.

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