Package ccc.api.core

Interface Summary
Actions API for managing actions.
Aliases API for manipulating Aliases.
Comments API for manipulating Comments.
Files API for manipulating files.
Folders Basic API for manipulating folders.
Groups Groups API, used to group data in CCC.
Pages Basic API for manipulating pages.
ResourceIdentifiers Deprecated. This interface will be removed in a future release and should not be used.
ResourceIdentifiers.Action URIs for the actions API.
ResourceIdentifiers.Alias URIs for the aliases API.
ResourceIdentifiers.Comment URIs for the comments API.
ResourceIdentifiers.File URIs for the files API.
ResourceIdentifiers.Folder URIs for the folders API.
ResourceIdentifiers.Group URIs for the groups API.
ResourceIdentifiers.Page URIs for the page API.
ResourceIdentifiers.Resource URIs for the resources API.
ResourceIdentifiers.Scheduler URIs for the scheduler.
ResourceIdentifiers.SearchEngine URIs for the search API.
ResourceIdentifiers.Security URIs for the security API.
ResourceIdentifiers.Template URIs for the templates API.
ResourceIdentifiers.User URIs for the users API.
Resources Basic API for manipulating resources.
Scheduler API for a scheduler.
SearchEngine The search API.
Security Security API for CCC.
ServiceLocator Locator for CC services.
Templates API for manipulating templates.
Users User Commands API, used to update user data in CCC.

Class Summary
ACL A DTO encapsulating an access-control list.
ACL.Entry An ACL entry.
Action A new action.
ActionSummary Summary of a CCC scheduled action.
Alias A new alias.
API TODO: Add a description for this type.
Comment DTO describing a comment.
Failure A serializable representation of CCC failure.
File A summary of a file resource.
Folder A new folder.
Group DTO for a user group.
MemoryServiceLocator Service locator that stores references to services in memory.
ObjectFactory Object factory of criteria objects for Velocity context use.
Page A new page.
PageCriteria Criteria class to search for pages.
PagedCollection<T> Wrapper class for a collection of DTOs.
Res Base API class supporting s11n and linking.
Resource A read-only snapshot of a resource.
ResourceCriteria Criteria class for resource search.
ResourceSummary A summary of a resource.
Revision A summary of a log entry.
Template A new template.
User A summary of a user.
UserCriteria TODO: move to ccc.persistence TODO: Add a description for this type.

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