Package ccc.migration

Classes for migration of CCC6 content to CCC7.


Interface Summary
DB API for CCC6 database operations.
IFileUploader Deprecated.

Class Summary
BaseMigrations TODO: Add a description for this type.
DbUtilsDB Implementation of DB interface, based on Apache's DbUtils library.
FileMigrator Migrate files, images and CSS from CCC6.
FileUploader Implementation of the file uploader API.
LegacyDBQueries Queries for data migration.
LegacyFile A file from CCC6.
LinkFixer Corrects relative URLs stored in href attributes.
LogEntryBean A java bean representing a log entry record in CCC6.
Migrations Data migration from CCC6 to CCC7.
MigrationServiceLocator Extended service locator for remoting.
ParagraphBean Paragraph bean for migration.
ResourceBean Resource bean for migration.
TemplateMigration Migrate templates from CCC6.
UserMigration Migrate users from CCC6.
UserNamePasswordHandler Basic CallbackHandler implementation that supports a username and a password.

Exception Summary
MigrationException Migration specific runtime exception.

Package ccc.migration Description

Classes for migration of CCC6 content to CCC7.

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