Uses of Class

Packages that use UserEntity
ccc.commands Commands available in CCC. 
ccc.domain The core domain model for CCC. 

Uses of UserEntity in ccc.commands

Methods in ccc.commands that return UserEntity
 UserEntity UpdateUserCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
 UserEntity CreateUserCommand.execute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn, User delta)
          Create new user.

Methods in ccc.commands with parameters of type UserEntity
protected  void Command.afterExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn, T result)
          Event handler that executes after the command has executed successfully.
protected  void UpdateFolderCommand.authorize(UserEntity actor)
          Confirm that the actor may execute this command.
protected  void UpdateCurrentUserCommand.authorize(UserEntity actor)
          Confirm that the actor may execute this command.
protected  void Command.authorize(UserEntity actor)
          Confirm that the actor may execute this command.
protected  void Command.beforeExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Event handler that executes before the command has executed.
 UserEntity UpdateUserCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
 java.lang.Void UpdateTemplateCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
 java.lang.Void UpdateResourceAclCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
 java.lang.Void UpdatePageCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
 java.lang.Void UpdateFolderCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
 FileEntity UpdateFileCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
 java.lang.Void UpdateCurrentUserCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
protected  CommentEntity UpdateCommentCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
 java.lang.Void UpdateCachingCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
 java.lang.Void UpdateAliasCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
 java.lang.Void RenameResourceCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
protected  java.lang.Void DeleteResourceCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
protected  java.lang.Void DeleteCommentCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
protected  CommentEntity CreateCommentCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
protected abstract  T Command.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
 java.lang.Void ApplyWorkingCopyCommand.doExecute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
 T Command.execute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn)
          Execute the command.
 void ScheduleActionCommand.execute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn, ActionEntity action)
          Schedule an action.
 UserEntity CreateUserCommand.execute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn, User delta)
          Create new user.
 void ClearWorkingCopyCommand.execute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn, java.util.UUID resourceId)
          Clear a resource's working copy.
 void CancelActionCommand.execute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn, java.util.UUID actionId)
          Cancel an action.
 void IncludeInMainMenuCommand.execute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn, java.util.UUID id, boolean b)
          Specify whether this resource should be included in the main menu.
 void UpdateWorkingCopyCommand.execute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn, java.util.UUID resourceId, long revisionNo)
          Updates the working copy.
 void UpdateWorkingCopyCommand.execute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn, java.util.UUID resourceId, Page delta)
          Updates the working copy.
 void UpdatePasswordAction.execute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn, java.util.UUID userId, java.lang.String password)
          Update a user's password.
 void UpdateResourceMetadataCommand.execute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn, java.util.UUID id, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String description, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> tags, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> metadata)
          Update metadata of the resource.
 void MoveResourceCommand.execute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn, java.util.UUID resourceId, java.util.UUID newParentId)
          Move a resource to a new parent.
 void ChangeTemplateForResourceCommand.execute(UserEntity actor, java.util.Date happenedOn, java.util.UUID resourceId, java.util.UUID templateId)
          Change the template for the specified resource.

Uses of UserEntity in ccc.domain

Fields in ccc.domain declared as UserEntity
static UserEntity UserEntity.SYSTEM_USER
          SYSTEM_USER : User.

Methods in ccc.domain that return UserEntity
 UserEntity RevisionMetadata.getActor()
 UserEntity RevisionEntity.getActor()
 UserEntity LogEntry.getActor()
 UserEntity ActionEntity.getActor()
 UserEntity ResourceEntity.getChangedBy()
          Query method - determine who last changed this resource.
 UserEntity ResourceEntity.getCreatedBy()
          Query method - determine who created this resource.
 UserEntity ResourceEntity.getLockedBy()
          Query method - determine who has locked this resource.
 UserEntity ResourceEntity.getPublishedBy()
          Return user who published the resource.

Methods in ccc.domain with parameters of type UserEntity
 boolean AccessPermission.allowsRead(UserEntity user)
          Check whether this permission allows the specified user to read.
 boolean AccessPermission.allowsWrite(UserEntity user)
          Check whether this permission allows the specified user to write.
 boolean ResourceEntity.canUnlock(UserEntity user)
          Determine whether a user can unlock this resource.
 void ResourceEntity.confirmLock(UserEntity user)
          Confirm this resource is locked by the specified user.
 void Lockable.confirmLock(UserEntity user)
          Confirm this resource is locked by the specified user.
 boolean UserEntity.includes(UserEntity user)
          Check if the specified user is included by this principal.
abstract  boolean Principal.includes(UserEntity user)
          Check if the specified user is included by this principal.
 boolean GroupEntity.includes(UserEntity user)
          Check if the specified user is included by this principal.
 boolean ResourceEntity.isReadableBy(UserEntity user)
 boolean ResourceEntity.isWriteableBy(UserEntity user)
 void ResourceEntity.lock(UserEntity u)
          Lock a resource.
 void Lockable.lock(UserEntity u)
          Lock a resource.
 void ResourceEntity.publish(UserEntity user)
          Publish the resource.
 void ResourceEntity.setDateChanged(java.util.Date changedOn, UserEntity changedBy)
          Mutator for the date the resource last changed.
 void ResourceEntity.setDateCreated(java.util.Date createdOn, UserEntity createdBy)
          Mutator for the date the resource was created.
 void ResourceEntity.unlock(UserEntity user)
          Unlock the resource.
 void Lockable.unlock(UserEntity user)
          Unlock the resource.

Method parameters in ccc.domain with type arguments of type UserEntity
static java.util.List<User><UserEntity> users)
          Create summaries for a list of users.

Constructors in ccc.domain with parameters of type UserEntity
ActionEntity(CommandType type, java.util.Date executeAfter, UserEntity actor, ResourceEntity subject, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> parameters)
LogEntry(UserEntity actor, CommandType action, java.util.Date happenedOn, java.util.UUID subjectId, java.lang.String detail)
LogEntry(UserEntity actor, java.lang.String action, java.util.Date happenedOn, java.util.UUID subjectId, java.lang.String detail)
RevisionEntity(java.util.Date timestamp, UserEntity actor, boolean majorChange, java.lang.String comment)
RevisionMetadata(java.util.Date timestamp, UserEntity actor, boolean majorChange, java.lang.String comment)

Uses of UserEntity in ccc.persistence

Methods in ccc.persistence that return UserEntity
 UserEntity UserRepository.find(java.util.UUID userId)
          Look up a user from their Id.
 UserEntity UserRepository.loggedInUser( p)
          Look up a user from a JAAS principal.
 UserEntity UserRepository.userByLegacyId(java.lang.String legacyId)
          Look up a user using the legacy id.

Methods in ccc.persistence that return types with arguments of type UserEntity
 java.util.Collection<UserEntity> UserRepository.listUsers(UserCriteria uc, java.lang.String sort, SortOrder order, int pageNo, int pageSize)
          List all users.

Methods in ccc.persistence with parameters of type UserEntity
 void UserRepository.create(UserEntity user)
          Create a new user.

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