Uses of Class

Packages that use CCException
ccc.cli.fileupload Classes for remote file upload to CCC7. 

Uses of CCException in ccc.api.exceptions

Subclasses of CCException in ccc.api.exceptions
 class ConflictException
          An API call failed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
 class CycleDetectedException
          This exception indicates that a cycle was detected where a resource refers to itself, either directly or indirectly.
 class EntityNotFoundException
          Exception indicating that the look up of an entity failed.
 class InsufficientPrivilegesException
          This exception indicates that a user attempted to perform an operation without sufficient privileges.
 class InvalidException
          This request indicates that an API method was invoked with incorrect inputs.
 class LockMismatchException
          An exception used to indicate that a resource is locked by another user.
 class ResourceExistsException
          Indicates a resource cannot be created because an existing resource already has the same absolute path.
 class UnauthorizedException
          An exception indicating that access to an entity was denied.
 class UnlockedException
          An exception used to indicate that a resource is unlocked.
 class WorkingCopyNotSupportedException
          Indicates that a resource that doesn't support working copies.

Uses of CCException in ccc.api.jaxrs.providers

Methods in ccc.api.jaxrs.providers with type parameters of type CCException
<T extends CCException>
RestExceptionMapper.fromResponse(java.lang.String body)
          Map from a response to the corresponding exception.

Methods in ccc.api.jaxrs.providers with parameters of type CCException RestExceptionMapper.toResponse(CCException e)
   RestExceptionMapper.toResponse(CCException e, MimeType responseType)
          Convert an exception to a JAX-RS response.

Uses of CCException in ccc.cli.fileupload

Methods in ccc.cli.fileupload that throw CCException
 java.util.UUID Server.createFolder(java.util.UUID parentFolder, java.lang.String name, boolean publish)
          Create a folder in the new system.
 java.util.UUID Server.getRoot()
          Get the id of the root folder in the new system.

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